The Positive Impact of Covid-19 On Coliving

Ever since the Covid-19 Pandemic began, we have been told by our governments, friends, and peers to stay at home and social distance. So what does this mean if you live in a co-living community that is based around sharing and communal spaces?

Coliving is a modern form of housing focused on bringing like-minded people together in a communal space. While each member of the community receives their own bedroom and sometimes bathroom, the shared spaces such as the kitchen and outdoor area are equal access amongst the residents. 

Coliving is the answer to many current issues such as loneliness and affordability and allows for a space of connection and community. Long before Covid-19, researchers around the world recognized the loneliness epidemic that continues to sweep the globe. It has been proven that the longer-term harm caused by loneliness is similar to smoking or obesity, among many other health conditions such as a weakened immune system and depression

While coliving is undoubtedly an answer to the loneliness epidemic, it could also play a role in the way the world recovers from Covid-19. Many coliving companies around the world have released protocols outlining the ways in which they intend to keep the health of their residents as a top priority. With more intense sanitization protocols, the move of community events to virtual gatherings, and shorter leases, coliving communities are keeping their residents safe while maintaining one of the few ways that individuals can retain some sense of normalcy. 

Through the creation of strict guidelines enforcing the health and safety of coliving residents, coliving spaces are likely to see a boom of applicants looking for a professionally managed space that provides both reassurance and community. In fact, coliving is expected to surge after lockdown is lifted and provide a space for young professionals looking for a way to make our current reality work for them, and their budget. 

Right now, many people are displaced. Freelancers, contract-workers, students, digital nomads, and more are in some cases being forced to find temporary homes in a city that may not be their own. Coliving offers a perfect solution for those preparing to weather the storm of Covid-19, by providing a furnished place that provides both sanitization and relief from isolation. 

Working from home is expected to become the new accepted office as many employees realize the benefits of this way of life. While Covid-19 is creating a ripple in the ways that we used to live, it is also providing clarity into the world that individuals want to create for themselves. Offices around the world have had to scramble to transition their employees to remote work, and numerous experts believe it may never go back. Many residents of coliving spaces have reported comfort in the fact that although they are going through an unprecedented global pandemic, at least they are waiting it out with other like-minded people. This is an example of the new way of living that is poised to replace our previous way of life.

Co-living communities are already preparing to get back to business as usual with creative problem solving and cutting edge solutions. As Gregg Christiansen, president of the US-based co-living company Ollie said, “After this is behind us, we see our growth path accelerating”. The societal desire for human connection is sure to increase the demand for co-living options, as many grow tired of the reality of spending months quarantined in a small space, with no outdoor area, and nobody to keep you company, as is the case in many major cities around the world. 

While Covid-19 has created a rapid need for a blueprint of what it looks like to work in the future, the same can be said for the future of housing. Coliving tenants require a space to live more than ever, and those craving more connection than is available in traditional housing will view this as the perfect opportunity to make the change. While those who venture out to get groceries are tired of the limited human interactions they experience behind a mask, coliving offers a way to maintain connections and normalcy in a time of crisis. 

Coliving spaces are more than just a place to live, they are where social interaction thrives while removing the tedious tasks (cleaning, paying bills, etc) that are taken out of the roommate equation. These spaces provide a beacon where others can socially distance together, lean on each other for support, and provide a community in a time of uncertainty. When done the right way, the future of coliving looks brighter than ever and could be the perfect example of the ‘new normal’ in a world currently stricken by the unknown. 


Coliving: The Next Asset Class


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